Korrekte Antwort: drauf pfeifen! Alles wissenschaftlich erwiesen...
Wasn't this question famously asked in a Stanford business class?The winning team ignored the $5 and instead started a small business that involved them standing in line at popular restaurants around campus, and charging people if they wanted their spots (so people didn't have to wait long lines). The goal of the class was to realize that business is about thinking outside the box, outside of the limitations (the $5) given to you.The article is referenced here: http://www.quora.com/Investing/I-have-5-What-is-the-best-way-to-invest-and-grow-my-money
Zum Thread auf AskReddit:
- http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1hacza/if_someone_give_you_5_and_2_hours_to_make_as_much/
Braucht jemand 5 Dollar ?
Here is how you can make $ 5 in no time: